Tracts range in size from 5 acres up to 160 acres.
Will be selling first as a whole then in three seperat groups and round three will be in seperate tracts.
Terms of Sale: 20% down day of Sale with balance of 80% within 30 days from date of Sale.
There will be a 10% Buyers Premium added to final bids to determine Final Sales Price.
Order of Sale has changed. We will be selling single tracts first, groups second and the whole last.
Group A will consist of tracts 12, 13, 14 and 15. Total of 242.247 acres
Group B will consist of tracts 1,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 and 11. Total of 188.824 acres
Group C will consist of tracts 2 and 3. Total of 236.752 acres.
Tracts 12, 13 and 14 will share in Private road “A”. Private road “A” consists of 2.04 acres. Tract owners of 12, 13, and 14 will have an equal undivided interest in 2.04 acres.
Tracts 1 thru 10 will share in “Acess Easement Road”. Access road consists of 6.11 acres and Tract owners of 1-10 will have an equal undivided interest in the access road.
Tract 4 has a spring and cave on it.
Tract 8 has a tobacco barn on it.
All announcements made day of Sale take precedence over any previous announcements whether written or oral.
Copies of plats and Sale info may be picked up at office located at 105 Old Bloomfield Pike Bardstown or at one of the Open Houses.
Feel free to email me, or call the office and ask for David or Joey at 502-348-1740