Sold Sold Sold!!!! Had a great turnout on December 14th with some very competitive bidding. Had a total of three buyers on the 4 tracts. One individual bought both individual lots up front, and a father and son bought the back tracts. Closing went smoothly so thanks go to Joe Mattingly's office in Lebanon for that. The Fogle family has decided … [Read more...]
Small farm with Home for Sale at Auction
Sold Sold Sold!! Another successful sale by the Goldmark Auction Team. Call us today to see if your property is right for an auction Absolute Auction with no Limit no Reserve Mary Ann Nichols estate 7922 Loretto Rd. Loretto, Ky 40037 Nelson County Auction Date: Saturday July 27th at 10 AM Open House: Sunday July 21st from 2-4 PM Sale … [Read more...]
Miller Rd Land Auction!!
Sold Sold Sold!!!! Bridge is out going to Boston. Best route from Bardstown is go to New Haven and turn right on Hwy 52. Go app 3.5 miles to Hwy 583 which goes straight. (Youngers Creek Rd.). Go 7.1 miles to Miller road on your left. One mile to sale site. Absolute Auction!! No Limit No Reserve!! Sale date: May 30th at 10:00 AM Open House: … [Read more...]
Gorgeous Home with beautiful views
Gorgeous Executive Home on Barbers Mill Road
1270 Barbers Mill Road, Lebanon, KY Absolutely gorgeous home!!! Everything was about details, style and quality when this home was planned. Beautiful cabinetry by Buckler that is accentuated by granite countertop on a kitchen island. The formal dining area has fluted columns by Cox's Interior. The see thru gas log fireplace between the eat-in … [Read more...]
19.42 Acres on Wimsatt Road, Loretto
19.42 Acres on Wimsatt Road, Loretto, KY for only $69,900 Great piece of property!! Beautiful home site, great farm land, and fantastic hunting. Has frontage on Wimsatt road with a place on a hill with a home site with beautiful views!! Behind the home site(which is currently being used for hay), is a small set of woods that drops off to a creek … [Read more...]
In the market for buying a home?
Whether you are in the market for buying a new home in Bardstown, Chaplin, Bloomfield, New Haven, or Coxs Creek in Nelson County, or Mt. Washington, Taylorsville, Louisville, or any other surrounding communities, we can match your dream home to our database of homes for sale or soon to be on the market before they hit the market. Don't hesitate to … [Read more...]