Sold Sold Sold!!!
Two Great Sales with great turnouts. Land brought $2,129, 918. Personal property brought 45,000 and farm equipment brought $42,000.
Two Sales. See dates and items sold below
Carroll and Rose Ballard Estate Sale
Absolute Auction No Limit No Reserve!!!
Two Sales. See dates and items sold below
Address: 1843 Manton Rd. Bardstown, Ky 40004
Auction Date: Saturday October 16th at 10 AM
On October 16th we will be selling the two vehicles, furniture, and all the household items. See below the pictures
Auction Date: Saturday October 23rd at 10:00 AM
On October 23rd we will be selling all the real estate and all the farm equipment. See pictures below.
Open Houses: Sundays October 10th and 17th from 2-4
Selling 3 homes with land totaling 187.6 acres. Homes sell seperately. Main home and 2 story sell with five acres each. Third home sells with 20 acres to include 6.5 acre lake.
Terms on Sale of Real Estate: 20% down day of Sale. Balance due with 30 days from date of Sale.
There will be a 10% Buyers Premium added to all bids to determine the final Sales price. The final Sales price is what you will put the 20% down.
Terms of Sale on all Farm Equipment, Vehicles and personal property: Pay in full day of Sale. Cash or personal check the day of Sale. There will be a 6% Ky. Sales tax on all farm equipment unless you have a Farm exempt cerificate on file with Goldmark Realtors for the year 2021. See below where you can print one off, fill it out and bring to the Sale. There will be a 6% Ky. Sales tax on all personal items unless you have a resale certificate filled out and on file with Goldmark Realtors for the year 2021. You will pay for car and truck the day of Sale and Seller/Agent will meet with you at the Nelson County Clerk’s office at your/our first convenience. Buyer will pay the tax at transfer.
Farm Exemption(Page two) Farm Exemption(Page one) Please print, fill out and bring to Sale.
Resale Tax Certificate Please fill out and bring to Sale.
Dots on plat next to Manton road represent a Ky State approved entrance
Final Aerial Plat……Latest and final plat
Ballard color and white combo….Updated plat
All items sold “As Is”, where is with no warranties or guarantees whether expressed or implied.
All announcement made day of Sale takes precedence over all previous announcements.
All tracts will be prohibited to any single wide, double wide mobile homes or modular homes, swine or swine farm, junk vehicles or junkyard.
Homes were built prior to 1978 and may contain lead base paint. Any lead base tests must be completed at least 10 days prior to Sale.
Beautiful bedford stone home in very good condition and well maintained! Five bedrooms, three bath with finished basement. 3 bedrooms, one a master suite, 2nd bath, kitchen, dining room, family room, laundry and mud room on first floor. Kitchen is equipped with appliances, kitchen bar, breadfast nook with lots of cabinetry. Dining or second family room has working fireplace. Huge family room overlooking front yard with large picture window for natural lighting. Full basement with 2 more bedrooms and full bath. Large family room for all your entertainment needs.
- Home and five acres
- Outbuilding
- 2 car garage
- Covered Rear Porch
- Basement bath
- Upstairs hall bath
- Master bath with access for guests
Second house for Sale. Sits on five acres. App. 1,000 sq.ft with 2 bedrooms, 1 bath. Tobacco barn, tool shed, old hog barn and storm shelter/cellar.
- Front view
- Rear view
- Kitchen
- Family
- Bathroom
- Bedroom 1
- Bedroom 2
- Utility/mud room
- Stock barn
- Old hog barn
- Tool shed
- Cellar
Third house with 20 acres and lake house. Very private setting. Set on the rear deck and overlook the lake!! 2 bedrooms, 1 bath, family room and kitchen. Central heat and air.
- Front view lake house
- View from deck
- Rear view lake house
- Small building
- Living room
- Kitchen
- View from kitchen
- Bath
- Bedroom 1
- Bedroom 2
- 89 Ford Taurus 3.0 Liter, 54,520 Miles
- 2007 Chevy Colorado LS Vortec, 2.9 Liter, 24,471 miles
Farm Equipment, tools and much more
Barrells and one ladder removed. 10′ Bushhog added
- John Deere 4010
- John Deere 4010
- John Deere 3020
- TN 70 NH…890 hours…Synchro command
- Same TN 70 NH
- Same TN 70 New Holland
- Two Super Cs
- Two Super Cs
- Full set Super C cultivators
- Gehl silage chopper
- Allis Chalmers silage wagon
- IH silage blower
- Kasten 24,000 lb frame
- 2 row allis corn planter
- Box blade
- Rotary Scythe
- Picnic table
- Welder
- Air compressor
- Anvil
- 400 gallon Sprayer/ app. 20′
- 6′ Bushog brand
- 10′ Bushhog. Bush Hog brand
- Seed/feritlizer spreader
- 3 point hitch garden plow
- Barrell with sprayer
- Fertilizer/seen sower
- 3 Point hitch potatoe plow
- 50 watts pto driven alternator
- Hookups for alternator
- Water tank
- Creep feeder
- Loader selling wiht 3020
- JD 40 manure spreader
- 16′ flat wagon
- 16′ flat wagon
- Pile of old hewn logs
- App 300 gallon fuel tank
- 10′ foot boat
- Steel wheel cart
- Steel wheel cart
- Feed buggy
- Grader blade
- App 9′ disc
- Drag
- Several rolls of fencin
- Hog scalding box
- Several old wheels
- Cast iron kettle
- Old scale
- Lots of T posts
- John Deere 1 roll chopper
- One roll chopper
- Head for chopper
- Multi-purpose jack
- Mineral feeder
- 14′ with trailer, trolling motor, battery
- Old doors
- Milk cans, old door hardware
- Corn sheller
Household furniture and other personal property
Added, ” Grist mill that did not make the cut”
- Cherry House Dining table
- Cherry House China cabinet
- Rod iron patio set
- Rod iron patio set
- Rod iron
- Planters
- Cherry serving tray
- Cherry drop leaf coffee table
- Cherry end tables
- Cherry end tables
- Cherry couch table
- Multiple chairs
- Cherry magazine rack
- Cherry table
- Kitchen table with 6 chairs
- Bedroom suite
- Bedroom suite
- Master bath with access for guests
- Bedroom suite
- Upstairs hall bath
- Church bench from Manton church
- Cedar chest
- Rockers
- Basement bath
- Maple china cabiner
- Bedroom suite
- Quilt rack
- Vintage chairs
- Rocker
- Quilt rack
- More rod iron
- Matching Lamps
- Several mirrors
- Grist Mill that did not make the cut