Sold Sold Sold!! Turning assets into cash!! Call today!
Absolute Auction Saturday October 20th 2018 @ 10 A.M.
Open House Sunday October 14th from 2-4 PM
140 Elm Tree Ln Taylorsville, Ky. 40071
Running two rings so bring a friend!
No Limit No Reserve!!
Selling the largest penny collection I’ve ever seen! Over 20 bags of pennies with face value of $50 each! Bags are Uncirculated Lincoln Penny US Mint that have never been opened! Also have several boxes with the same face value! Pennies will be brought to the house for open house and will be there for the day of Sale.
Selling all sorts of farm equipment including 7 tractors, round hay baler, square baler, 2 hay bines, hay rake, manure spreader, hay wagon, 2 allis chalmers plows, dodge truck with snow plow, tobacco sticks and other related farm equipment!! Bring your trailers there’s plenty of parking! There will be a loader on site to help you load.
Selling a whole house full of furniture that includes whirlpool washer/dryer, chest freezer, 3 dining room sets, bedroom suites, recliner, sofas, china cabinet, rocker, tables of all sorts, chairs of all sorts, 2 secretaries, Hoosier cabinet, flat screen TV, several desks, china, dishware, 2 trunks, oriental table and chests and all household wares.
Gun safe
Terms of Sale: Paid in full day of Sale with cash or personal check with proper identification.
10% Buyers Premium added to all final bids to determine final sales price. 6% Ky. sales tax added to sales price unless you have a tax exempt form on file with us.
All items sold “As Is” with no warranties or guarantees whether written or oral, whether expressed or implied.
Farm Exemption(Page one) Farm Exemption(Page two) Farm exemption forms. Please have filled out and initial first page, and sign the main page and bring to auction
Selling with Reserve: 28′ Trail Bay Camper. See pictures below
Coin Collection
Farm equipment
More pictures to come
- Excellent condition Series 3
- Reconditioned H
- D 17 w/loader and hydraulics for baler
- WD 17 with 3 point hitch
- F12 Farmall
- F12 Farmall
- F12 Farmall
- Cub(Parts tractor)
- Cub plow, 2 water barrells w/saddles
- 140
- 6′
- Tobacco sticks
- Post hole digger
- Cub cadet 4 x 4..needs work
- 478 NH Haybine
- 2nd 478 new holland haybine
- Massey square baler
- old concret mixex
- Tobacco setter
- Rake
- Overhauled engine with snow plow
- Goes with dodge
- 2 plows/allis
- Wheel driven manure spreader
- New Holland 846
- 3 plow allis
- 2 extension ladders
- Wagon
- 2nd wagon
- Drag disc
- Culti packer
- 3 point hitch boom
- 2 water tanks with saddles
- Weedeater lawnmower…needs work
Household goods, wares and furniture
- Gun safe
- Good condition
- Chest freezer
- Whirlpool washer and dryer
- Good condition/missing drawer
- Older secretary
- Kitchen table and chairs
- Decorative Oriental children’s table
- Oriental wooden coffee table
- Nice desk
- Office chairs
- Kitchen cabinet in good shape
- Metal desk with wood top
- Wooden chest
- Dining room set with chairs
- China cabinet
- Old dresser
- Chest of drawers
- Sharp little bedroom suite
- King bedroom suite
- Wardrobe that goes with king suite
- Nice table wit 4 chairs
- Round table with 2 chairs
- Big rocking chair
- Chair
- Smaller rocking chair
- Twin bed
- Chest of drawers
- Twin bed
- Chest of drawers
- Leather recliners
- Daybed
- Trunk
- Table
- Table with pull out leafs
- Brass box
- Covered rocker
- Punch bowl set
- Punch set
- End tables
- Pressure cooker
- Pressure cooker
- Several lamps
Trail Bay R-Vision, 28′. Selling with Reserve
- Trail Bay
- 28′