Sold Sold Sold!!!
Absolute Auction June 6th at 10:00 AM
Sale Site: Guthrie Opportunity Center Parking Lot! 900 Nutter Dr. Bardstown Ky.
CDC guidelines will be observed. Everyone will stay in their vehicles and will bid from their vehicles. The ringmen will be walking around taking bids.
Open House Sunday May 31st at property from 1-4 PM. Only 4 people will be allowed in the house at one time.
185 Sunset Dr. Bardstown, Ky 40004
Abolute Auction!! No Limit, No Reserve!!
Mr. George Cecil has commissioned the Goldmark Auction Team to sell at absolute auction his real estate holdings
20% down day of sale with balance due within 30 days. There will be a 10% buyers premium added to final bid to determine final sales price.
House was built before 1978 and may contain lead base paint. Any lead base paint testing must be done no later than 10 days prior to sale.
Selling As Is and Where Is with no guarantees or warranties, whether expressed or implied, or written or oral.
Any and all statements made the day of sale take precedence over any previous statements or announcements
- Shop buildings go with house
- Kitchen
- Dining area
- Main floor bath
- Bedroom 1 main floor
- Bedroom 2 main floor
- Upstairs bedroom
- Upstairs bedroom
- Upstairs Bath
- Lot 19
- Lot 20
- Lot 21A
- Lot Lot 21B
- Lot 21B
- Lot 21C
- Lot 21C