Estate Sale!!
Address is 6455 New Hope Rd. New Hope Ky. 40052
Sale date: June 18th. starting at 9:00 AM
Tons of stuff!!! Putting new pics on all the time. Keep coming back to see what’s new!! Please take a few minutes and look at pictures
All sale items will be available for view the morning of the Sale
Selling all contents! Huge eclectic array of everything under the sun! Selling a 2004 Sport Trac 4 x 4 with only 59,000 miles. Huge Poppytrail dishware collection by Metlox, provincial blue, Chatham Potters, country harvest patten, cookware of all sorts. Antique cooking utensils, old bread maker, old bread boxes, tins of every sort, knife sets, Japanese tea set, some depression glass, hob knob, couple pieces of Fenton, huge Tiffany crystal bowl, old crocks and many assorted contemporary cookware. Plus lots of old and new enamel ware.
Many antique items including dresser, chest of drawers, tables of every sort, beds, old trunk, old tools, Hithcock chairs, Hitchcock rocking chair(can’t tell whether it’s painted or stensiled), 8 rope bottom chairs(five matching), five area rugs of different sizes, wash bowl, two old washstands, Cushioned chair and footstool, all sorts of lamps, corner cupboard, pepsi crates, bookcase, clocks, old radio, and many many other items too numerous to mention. Please take a few minutes and look at pictures.
Terms of Sale are cash or personal check with proper identification.
There will be a 10% Buyers Premium added to final bid to determine final sales price. There will be a 6% Ky. sales tax added to sales price, unless you have a 2016 Resale Certificate on file with us. We will have blank ones at the Sale
All items sell “AS IS” with no warranties guaranteed, whether expressed or implied, whether written or! Absolute with no limit no reserve.
- App 50 blocks and some 2 xs
- Hundreds of landscaping stones
- Old iron wheels
- Stand up freezer
- Washer and Dryer
- Cabinets
- Tiffany crystal bowl
- China cabinet
- Corner china cabinet
- Several bird houses
- Fiberglass rain barrels, metal bench
- Wooden patio furniture
- Old toolbox and other misc yard tools
- Old trunk in decent condition
- 3 old sleds, one a child’s sled
- Children’s play yard tools
- Outside fireplace
- Cast Iron bean pot
- Several nice rugs
- Very large rug
- Poppytrail by Metlox Provincial Blue
- Drop leaf table
- Wicker cabinet
- Play house
- Depression glass
- Old Singer
- Nice maple desk
- Huge LP and 45 collection
- Old record player
- School desk
- Electric fireplace, wicker furniture
- Tons of sewing materila
- Beautiful old sewing cabinet
- Unusual bench made with wood, metal and leather
- Very uniques child’s toys
- Baby bed
- Single be
- Hitchcock rocker
- Very old fiddle case
- 2004 Sport Trax 4×4 59,000 miles
- Couch and chair
- Corner Cupboard
- Beautiful chest
- Several rope bottom chairs
- 6 Hitchcock chairs with matching rocker
- Patriotic bunny
- Lamps of all sorts
- Hand crafted Christmas tree
- Crocks
- Chairs of all sorts
- Crocks all sizes!!
- Old heating stoves
- Old bread boxes
- Cast iron kettles
- All sorts of pottery and glassware
- New
- Barely use
- Mink stole
- 9 total
- Old Bread maker
- Poppytrail by Metlox provincial blue